On behalf of the Georgia Right to Life Political Action Committee (GRTL PAC), I would like to thank you for your pro-life, pro-personhood commitment to the protection of human life, born and pre-born. Our role at the GRTL PAC is to encourage and support candidates who meet the GRTL PAC criteria, who we believe will be an effective voice for those who cannot speak for themselves, and who will uphold the standard of no exceptions and no compromise.

 Therefore, Charlice Byrd, the GRTL PAC is honored to endorse you for the Georgia House of Representatives, district 20 in the May 24, 2022 election.

 The endorsement is based on your leadership and actions during the legislative session, agreeing with and signing the Georgia Right to Life Personhood Affirmation, and your stated commitment to the Personhood of every human being created in the image of God, no exceptions, no compromise. The endorsement should be handled as a trust to be actively stewarded.

As a candidate who has demonstrated a willingness to stand for the sanctity of life without exception or compromise, we are especially pleased to commend you and look forward to working with you.

The GRTL PAC is honored to support you in this election.


Genevieve Wilson, Director

Georgia Right to Life PAC